WOT: Pomóż Ukrainie kupić karetki – nowe pakiety charytatywne!

Wargaming wspólnie z United24 uruchomił nowy projekt charytatywny, który ma na celu wspomożenie Ukrainy. Dochód z specjalnych pakietów tematycznych poświęconych Ukrainie zostanie przeznaczony na zakup nowych karetek pogotowia dla ukraińskich ratowników medycznych. W ramach tego projektu wszyscy gracze Wargaming będą mogli zakupić unikalne pakiety personalizacji z motywem Ukrainy w sześciu różnych grach: World of Tanks PC, World of Tanks Blitz, World of Tanks: Modern Armor, World of Warships, World of Warships: Legends oraz World of Warplanes.

Wargaming, firma odpowiedzialna za gry takie jak World of Tanks i World of Warplanes, rozpoczęła charytatywny projekt, którego celem jest pomoc Ukrainie. Dochody z specjalnych pakietów personalizacji inspirowanych Ukrainą zostaną przeznaczone na zakup nowych karetek pogotowia dla ukraińskich medyków. Wspólnie z United24, oficjalną platformą do zbierania funduszy na Ukrainie, gracze będą mogli zakupić te unikalne pakiety personalizacji. Pieniądze ze sprzedaży pakietów zostaną przekazane bezpośrednio na zakup wyspecjalizowanych karetek pogotowia, które pomogą ukraińskim medykom uratować życie setek osób.

Wargaming, the company behind games like World of Tanks and World of Warplanes, has launched a cross-game charity project to benefit Ukraine. In partnership with United24, Ukraine’s official fundraising platform, players across all six of Wargaming’s titles will now be able to purchase unique Ukraine-themed customization bundles. The proceeds from the sold bundles will directly contribute to purchasing highly specialized ambulances for Ukrainian medics, which will help save hundreds of lives.

Wargaming jest znanym producentem gier, między innymi World of Tanks i World of Warplanes. Firma ta wprowadziła projekt charytatywny, który ma pomóc Ukrainie. We współpracy z United24, oficjalną platformą do zbierania funduszy na Ukrainie, gracze z całego świata będą mogli kupić pakiety personalizacji z motywem Ukrainy. Dochód ze sprzedaży tych pakietów zostanie przeznaczony na zakup specjalnych karetek pogotowia dla ukraińskich medyków, które pomogą uratować życie setkom ludzi.

Wargaming recognizes the severity of the situation in Ukraine and wants to support the country in any way possible. The company has a whole studio in Kyiv, Ukraine that continues to work on their games despite the daily horrors their country is facing. With this charity project, Wargaming aims to make a meaningful impact by providing funds for essential medical equipment.

Due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the country’s medical infrastructure is under immense pressure. Ukrainian medics are in need of highly specialized ambulances equipped with life-saving devices. Wargaming’s charity project seeks to address this urgent need by funding the purchase of Type C ambulances. These vehicles are equipped with defibrillators, cardiac monitors, oxygen tanks, and lung ventilator devices, ensuring that injured victims receive immediate and critical care.

The initiative has already gained significant traction, with over 25,000 bundles sold as of writing. Each sale brings the project one step closer to its goal of funding the purchase of Type C ambulances. By supporting this project, players not only enhance their gaming experience with unique customization options but also contribute to a greater cause.

Wargaming’s commitment to Ukraine extends beyond this charity project. The company previously donated $1 million to the Ukrainian Red Cross in response to Russia’s invasion. Additionally, Wargaming’s employees have collectively raised over 200,000 Euros towards the purchase of ambulances. The company has also provided support to its Ukraine-based developers by offering alternate housing, early salary payments, and additional relocation assistance.

The gaming industry as a whole has shown solidarity with Ukraine during these challenging times. Epic Games, the developer behind Fortnite, partnered with Xbox to raise $144 million for humanitarian relief efforts in Ukraine. Similarly, World of Warcraft players raised $1.5 million for Ukrainian relief efforts by purchasing a special Ukraine-themed pet bundle. These initiatives demonstrate the power of gaming communities coming together to support those in need.

Wargaming invites players to join them in making a difference. By purchasing the Ukraine-themed customization bundles, players not only show their support for Ukraine but also contribute directly to the purchase of life-saving ambulances. Every ambulance funded means hundreds of lives saved. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of Ukrainian medics and the people they serve.

Źródło : www.bing.com