Świat Czołgów Modern Armor Świętuje 10. Urodziny Z Nową Zawartością

Wargaming Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of World of Tanks Modern Armor

Wargaming celebrates the 10th anniversary of World of Tanks Modern Armor in 2024. The game has continuously evolved over the last decade, and its latest iteration offers over 1,000 tanks and features the vehicles and technology of the World War II and Cold War eras.

In 2014, World Of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition rolled onto Xbox as of one the first free-to-play games on Xbox 360. The expansion into the console space continued as the game became available on PlayStation in 2016.

CEO of Wargaming, Victor Kislyi, expressed his gratitude to players worldwide and revealed big plans for the future. The celebration of World Of Tanks Modern Armor’s 10-year anniversary will last throughout 2024.

Celebration Events and Rewards

The festivities kicked off on February 6, with new Celebration War Chests making their debut, and all players were invited to participate in the Anniversary: Big X Community Op that can result in them earning two free tanks: the new Lago M38 and the classic T-34-88. Additional 10-year Celebrations rewards will become available starting on February 13, including Garage Gear, and – just for veteran players – a free or heavily discounted Tier X MBT-B tank.

The game’s celebrations also include the ability to earn monthly 10-year Celebrations rewards tied to special themed events, with the ultimate prize of two yet-to-be-revealed Premium vehicles: a World War II tank and a Cold War tank.

New Additions to World Of Tanks Modern Armor

World Of Tanks Modern Armor will introduce new tanks for players to earn and upgrade this year. It includes a new Tech Tree line featuring German light tanks and tank destroyers for Cold War mode starting in February, as well as a new World War II Tech Tree line coming this spring.

Lead designer Brenden McCormack expressed excitement for the new additions, stating that there is no better way to celebrate the players and the game than by adding more free content for players to earn.

Exciting In-Game Events

Throughout the year, players can also look forward to a series of exciting in-game events, including Dream Machines and the return of popular activities like the Golden Week Challenge, Tankfest, and more.

Check out the trailer below:

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